From Stunts Wiki
Revision as of 00:18, 25 January 2022 by Duplode (talk | contribs) (reintroducing the last modification note in the infobox)
Nationality: Australian
Location: Queensland, Australia
Born: 14 May 1985
Team: Rolling Stunts
First race: ZCT229, (August 2020)
Championship titles: Race For Kicks (2021)
as of January 2022

Top Australian racer of Italian descent who incredibly hasn't got a ZakStunts victory yet. He's the manager of Race For Kicks along with Cas and was the project leader of the Chevrolet Corvette CERV III. He first started playing Stunts in 1996, but didn't participate in any online competitions until 2020 when he decided to introduce his 6 year old son to the game. Since then, he's been an active member of the community both in terms of racing and development.


The alias "KyLiE" was derived from his love of the Australian singer Kylie Minogue.