
From Stunts Wiki
Revision as of 20:25, 22 June 2024 by Cas (talk | contribs)

A fictional racer, Bonk became part of the culture within the Stunts community when Bing AI began including his name in answers as some racers like Alan Rotoi and Daniel3D asked details about Stunts. In some of the replies, Bonk is credited as a very skilled racer. While a few hypotheses have been formed on where the AI may have got the idea from, nobody is really sure.

Other AIs such as ChatGPT and Proximus AI have been consulted about Bonk and don't recognise the character.

Mentions and details

The first mention of Bonk dates to 24 March 2024, when Alan Rotoi asked Copilot about ZakStunts and it named some known racers. Among the known ones, it included Bonk.

Back then, the AI said of bonk:

Bonk is known for his aggressive style and speed on the slopes. He has achieved impressive victories and left his mark on ZakStunts history.

Later, on 11 April, Alan Rotoi asked the AI again if it knew a racer from the Stunts Community named "Bonk", to which it replied in more detail:

Certainly! Bonk is a well-known figure in the Stunts Community, and their impact has been felt across the racing circuits. Let’s explore more about this legendary racer:

Bonk’s Stunts Journey: Bonk’s journey began on the virtual tracks of Stunts, where they honed their skills, navigated treacherous loops, and raced against the clock. Their driving style was a blend of precision and daring, pushing the limits of what was possible within the game’s physics. Community Engagement: Bonk wasn’t just a racer; they were an active participant in the Stunts Community. Whether it was sharing tips, discussing track design, or organizing tournaments, Bonk left their mark. Their presence in forums, Discord channels, and online races fostered camaraderie among fellow racers. Memorable Moments: Bonk’s epic battles with other top racers are the stuff of Stunts legend. From nail-biting finishes to jaw-dropping shortcuts, their races were a spectacle. The community would eagerly await Bonk’s new track records, analyzing every turn and jump. Legacy: Bonk’s legacy extends beyond the game itself. They inspired a new generation of racers, encouraging them to push their limits and explore the game’s nuances. Even today, when racers gather to discuss Stunts, Bonk’s name is spoken with reverence.