R5K engine
R5K Engine (or R5KE) is a graphics rendering engine project worked on by Cas that aims to provide a new, native graphics engine for Stunts under modern operating systems while preserving its classical qualities.
Track viewer
The currently published implementation of R5KE comes as a track viewer. You need to provide a track file as well as the GAME*.3SH files that result from decompressing the GAME*.P3S original files. This allows you to move more or less freely around the track and view it in high resolution with maximum field depth rendering.
Integration with ReplDump
In March 2023, Daniel3D had the idea of a bridge between ReplDump and R5KE and he wrote to Cas about it. Cas then got to Duplode to ask for some help on ReplDump and began work on integrating the two pieces of software. This forum thread] documents the work held back then. By combining them, it's possible to create images and videos of races from arbitrary perspectives and with several cars running together.